It was an absolutely beautiful day the temperature was 75 degrees and there was a soft breeze blowing across the yard. We were in the back yard spending time with Lady, my 17 year old Border collie/Springer spaniel mix, but today was different no matter how wonderful the day I couldn’t help but hear those words from the vet in my head –Complete kidney failure –nothing more could be done –we have to not let her suffer –we have done all that we can –the dog food has done damage that can’t be undone –she made it a year after that and you gave her a good life.
We were spending my last day with my faithful companion. She has been by my side ever since she was rescued from the SPCA 15 February 2002. Oh how I love my Lady! Our travels have taken us on so many adventures and there are so many memories that we will cherish forever.
Those echoing words a death sentence –She will suffer if you wait –This is the right thing to do -17 is great for her –So just bring her back this evening –there is no choice –I promise it will be very peaceful -She will just go to sleep.
As we got in the car Lady in the back resting on her favorite blanket for the last ride I noticed the sunset. Orange, Red, Yellow, Gold, Purple, such a glorious sight but I couldn’t truly appreciate it not with the sadness in my heart knowing that my friend, companion, Child was spending her last moments here.
As we waited I let Lady wander a bit getting all the good smells of the other pets that had been here earlier. Not wanting to actually go inside knowing that she would never walk out. Lady refused to sit anywhere she just stood on her shaky legs. She knew and she understood as she gave me a kiss and licked away my free flowing tears. It was all I could do not to run away. Facing the unbearable in my heart, yet knowing this was the right thing and what had to be done.
At 8:24PM on 27 March my Lady, My Wonderful Lady went to the Rainbow Bridge where she waits for us ready to play and be by our side forever. When we left the vets the sunset was gone and it was dark. I briefly thought that this was fitting Lady had had her last sunset…. Now that sunset was gone.
Good-Bye my dearest friend and thank you for blessing everyone’s life you touched. You may not be here with me now but your spirit is everywhere around and I will cherish the memories with you forever, see you at the bridge where there will be sunsets but never night...
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